Day 16: Universal Meaning

Hi everyone!

Today is the 16th day of the 31-day-challenge! Thank God we’ve come this far! It’s really taken some brainwork to know what to write for some of these prompts. And most times, I write just a few minutes before publishing.

Anyhoo, today’s challenge is on universal meaning, and I was the definition of stuck. I looked up the phrase in the dictionary and it refers to a universal experience, something applicable to everyone. And while my friends in the sciences may have many universal laws to select from, I’m just gonna write what came to my heart.

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Day 27 of 30

Hey guys!

We’ve got three days to go! I can’t believe it! 💃💃💃

This has been an exciting journey for me. There have been days when writing has been a great struggle. But I like how this exposes my level of commitment to the blog and to writing. I’m so thankful for this gift and for the gift of amazing readers like you. Sorry I can’t help being mushy as we come towards the end of this blogging challenge 😿

Alright, let’s do this!

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Night Files: Goodbyes are for losers

Goodbyes are forLosersKaycee clutched the hands that had interwoven themselves with hers. The bus queue was long, typical of the first Friday of the month in Lagos. Buses were usually hired to convey church attendants to the Redemption Camp at the outskirts of Lagos and that left most commuters a little stranded, scrambling for the few buses that came by. None did today and for once, this didn’t bother her. The brisk after rain wind blew across her face sending cold shivers down her spine. She knew it was more than the cold that made her shiver. It had everything to do with Lanny who had said nothing for the past thirty minutes. Not after she told him the news. Read more


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  1. Love and honor your mother and father. Learn from their mistakes. I know it sounds like nags but it’d save you the headaches in your thirties and beyond. Besides you don’t want your children to dishonor you also I’m sure. We often realize too late their importance in our lives.
  2. You are so much more talented than you’ll ever know. You don’t need to pay your way through protocols. You don’t need to sleep with your boss/ supervisor to get a promotion at work or better grades at school. Burn the late-night candles instead; put extra time to study and practice until you master your skill. Hard work still pays well and does not kill.It’s sweeter to enjoy what you have put your good work and effort into in peace than having scares of karma.
  3. Support, support, support. As a lady, women can actually build strong support networks. Don’t let few ladies with the “Pull Her Down” {PHD} syndromes discourage you from cultivating true relationship with your female friends.  Everyone needs it.
  4. Learn to feel your feels. Study and master your emotions and know how to react to different situations. Be a master of your expressions.
  5. This notion that women are the criers and men are the strong support systems need to be reconstructed. We all have the glands in us means we are both to use them to express ourselves. Men can cry too. Yes, they can and they should.
  6. Let go of past hurts. You cannot move forward if you keep looking back. Holding on to bitter experiences and regrets will stale your future. The only thing you should take out of a hurting experience is the lessons learnt because hurting people hurt people. People are going to hurt you; you choose how to react.
  7. Still speaking on the past and forgiveness, learn to forgive yourself. Learn to pardon yourself for the mistakes, the bad choices. Just go easy on yourself because you are your only cheerleader.
  8. Train your mind and intuition to a level that it gives you signs and warnings. This can be done by studying yourself intricately under different conditions. It’s part of maturity.
  9. Walk away from deceit. Still flowing from the above, when your mind is developed on your ideals and what you are about, you are able to depict the truth. Know when someone is flossing and is harmful or toxic. Stay away from them. Especially before getting into relationships or business partnerships.
  10. This life you have been given is a unique gift. Unwrap it, live it to the fullest. Nurture yourself and don’t be careless with it. Start early in making proper plans.
  11. Learn the basic skills and let yourself grow – from how to keep your apartment and its entirety clean, cook, socialize and network to how to drive a car.
  12. Don’t do drugs. It kills from the inside out. Read books, it fortifies your mind. Dance as often as you can, it liberates your spirit, soul and body.
  13. Learn to laugh at yourself. It is a good way to build a healthy self-esteem. Encourage yourself more than you beat yourself up. It’s really not that deep.
  14. Fear of the future. It is a state of mind you must learn to tame. Don’t let fear pull the carpet from under your feet. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Think positive thoughts about the future and when those butterflies and unsure moments come, acknowledge them but believe in the greater future ahead of you.
  15. Learn to exhale, love deeply and be kind to others; especially those of low estate, and the lowest of low. The greatest currency in the world is Kindness. It never depreciates. Everyone can spend it. It yields greater return on investments.
  16. Do not compare yourself to others. It will do you no good. I know how hard this is but when you catch yourself doing it, please STOP for comparing yourselves one to another is foolishness.
  17. Eat healthy. Exercise. Take time to dance and play. Learn to cook for yourself. Don’t rely on noodles alone. The cooking skill will be useful in future.
  18. Your time alone with yourself is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. You want to be present for others, you want to live long, and you want peace and joy, take time for you. You can’t heal another if you are sick yourself.
  19. Prayer is the secret code. It works every time. Keep up with your faith in God and always have the courage to use your voice wisely and strongly. Enjoy the highs and lows that come with being in your 20s but don’t be afraid to grow older. Live life to the fullest.
  20. Acknowledge your emptiness without God. In our frailty is where He shows up the most. He loves you so much. I can barely explain the love.

Thank you for reading!

Written by Nancy Ufia.

Photo Credit:


I was so happy to have Nancy write for the blog and I hope this list helps you as you navigate through life 🙂 

Stay beautiful!
