
Hi, everyone!

I’m a recovering anxiety-ridden adult… just like 90%of other young adults who constantly try to figure out what life has in store. You know what? Life’s gonna open that storehouse with or without your over analytical competencies.

For the past months, a lot has happened in quick successions. Change, they say, is the only constant thing. And as a transitional millennial, I should be used to that. But I’m not.

So there I was scrambling for the last thread of sanity while commuting from one end of the earth to the other end for work and my head spiraling with plans on how to get an accommodation for the new school session.

I wanted to write so bad. But I was so empty and burnt out. The cursor mocked me as my ever boiling brain was set to explode. “Pull the plugs!” I had to. And I did.

Travelled a thousand miles in some sixty minutes and got back to where the grass is green, the air is free and the quietness deafens. I was home. I knew without a doubt that I’d be refreshed bodily as my mom executed homely meals on the grand dining table. Eating with family does make you feel like you belong to something, doesn’t it?

While my bodily healing started immediately with food, rest, and prescribed drugs, healing for my soul and spirit remained undone. I was weary soul-wise and weak spirit-wise. I constantly felt I was in the wrong with God. I was guilty about something. And no matter how many times I confessed, it still paraded my dreams at night. I was empty and needed His filling. I mean, He’s the only one that could heal the soul and spirit.

On a soul level, however, I also felt withdrawn from friends. They were a thousand miles, both literally and figuratively speaking. I reached out to touch them, feel them…but then they were gone. The days began to drag. I couldn’t even tell if it was Tuesday or Wednesday.

I think it was Thursday when I read the great invitation in my devotional. An invitation to all who were empty and burnt out to come drink of Him and be refilled John 7:37-39

I needed it. My soul longed for Him, my spirit was famished.

Needless to say, I spent an incredible time with Him and my family. Just what I needed! I mean, 7 days of refreshing and restoration was not too much to ask for, now, was it? Hey, I even got to play tennis and stroll through the gardens 😃

Am not just telling you this so you know I had a good break- am writing to everyone who is empty and burnt out as I was. He’s waiting to refresh and restore your soul. Heed His invitation today.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. –Matt 11:28-30


Love and grace,


12 thoughts on “Road to Recovery 2

  1. Its great to be reading your writings again. We all face anxiety in life but we don’t have to face them alone. Soround yourself with other Spirit filled believers who you can encourage in their moments of need and vice verses. Your destiny or purpose in life rests in the capable hands oy Jesus after all he did purchase us at great price to himself. But he also promised never to leave nor forsake us. Rest totally upon him and I believe that you’ll be amazed at the journey that he had for you all along. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the firs step. You are not alone by a long shot. Your brother in Christ.

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  2. In this fast-paced life, we often mistake the perfect gifts from above for boredom. Those moments of slowing down feel so foreign at first, and our flesh cries out for activity. Good for you for taking time to be refreshed! 💕

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  3. Was on this part recently too.

    I want to add to this piece because I noticed a trend in my life, first I feel empty, then I go to God for fill and somehow I get back to where I started. So I think, a constant filling is required, its not just a one te thing


  4. Awwwww. Thank God for your recovery dear.

    I know the feeling when friends are far away both literally and figuratively 🙂

    Ain’t we glad we have a friend in Jesus- every single moment of our lives.

    Rest in His love Sister. The Lord bless you and perfects your recovery.



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