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I’m only human 

As much I’d like to be the back 

That carries you when you’re wounded, 

And be the shoulder  

That absorbs your warm tears, 

There’s only so far my decrepit feet can go 

And my shoulders may just buckle under pressure 

I’m only human 

Don’t expect me to say the perfect things 

When you’re hurt so sore,

Don’t expect me to wrap my arms around you 

When you reveal something that leaves you exposed,

I wouldn’t always know what to say or when to say them 

I may not hug you because I don’t feel it’s necessary 

I’m only human 

I say I love you 

But there’s just so far you can push me before I crack, 

There’s just so much I can listen to before I shut you down, 

There’s just so much of your crying I can bear before I get disgusted, 

It’s not all about you, you know 

And need I remind you…

I’m only human. 

-©Mfon Etuk, 2016.


God has been exposing some hard truths to me these days. Some touching on my need to depend on humans for solace and comfort. Everyone’s got stuffs they’re dealing with and it’s completely unrealistic to expect them to pause their lives to deal with your mess every time. There’s only so much humans can help and I believe if we remind ourselves about this, we wouldn’t have to get disappointed over and over again.

Whatever you’re going through right now, I just need you to hold on to the anchor that never fails. Humans are subject to change but He’s never changing. He’s our rock and our very present help in times of need.

Talk to Him. Let Him know the craziness, the worrying, the betrayal, the insecurities, the loss, the fears…tell Him everything that’s going on.

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin. Psalm 55:22 (MSG)

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7




28 thoughts on “Only Human

  1. Nice!!! I like. This is some truth people are afraid to say…in their bid to keep the loved one who is “overdepending” on them. God help us, Though we all need a shoulder to lean on


  2. I love this one too! It is so open and intimate…God will show us things at times, and we aren’t sure how long “a season” of this time will last. We just need to ride it out, go through it. If it is God-based, it will be for our good if we can trust that much!

    Enjoy your weekend–


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