
Hi guys!

I have been behind on the award front and I finally had to pull myself from the ‘Post-challenge stress’ After writing through April, my fingers have felt a little stiff lately. Anywho, write I must and write I shall! 😀

Thank you TJ from Studiotj for this nomination. You remain a breath of fresh air! I love your blog and you guys should totally check it out for that little positive spin you need! 😀

The Rules:

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

I’ve always loved writing and it just made sense to own a blog. Got inactive for some two years and finally got serious in 2014. It progressed from random rambles to a purposeful blog and it keeps getting better! 😀

Advice One:

Stay true to yourself. Just keep being you. Write all you can and about anything you want. For the likes and follows, they will come. Just keep being you.


Keep friendships with bloggers beyond the ‘blogosphere’. This year has been exciting for me because I’ve been chatting with some bloggers outside the blogosphere and it’s so amazing! Beyond writing, making friends is a huge plus for me! So yes, I advise you to do same.

And the nominees are:

1 Timothy412 Girl

Diary of a Blueblood

GraysBibi Blog

Adaugo’s Diary

Fearfully Wonderfully Me

Crystal Walls

Concealed Foundation

Official Nnamdi blog

Forever Aspiring Writer

Sesan’s Blog


His Little Elephant

Lilacs and Stuff

Explosive Dreamers


I hope y’all enjoy doing this award! 🙂 ❤

Lots of love,


20 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Congratulations on the award! 😀 You have a lovely blog! And thank you very much for nominating me! 🙂 I too am quite behind with my awards, so it may take me some time.. 😉


  2. Ahh! Oh Mfon, thank you so much for nominating me! :O ❤ You are so, so beautiful! I currently have, like, fourteen tabs open, as I want to check out all of these lovely blogs! 😉 XD I love your advice, the first especially! I say that often myself, but just today I needed to be reminded of it! You're so special, Mfon! ❤



    1. Oh sweet Koko! Thank you for such kind words! You do have a very cheerful countenance that leaves one smiling while reading what you wrote. I can’t wait to see your answers! God bless you! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on the award, you deserves it! Thanks for nominating me too, it is much appreciated.

    I will try get around to it


    1. Oh my, Mihran! You’re definitely one of my great motivations and I appreciate you so much. You could always go for it. But then, what’s the I know in the future. Thank you dear 😊


  4. Wow, since May! Feels good to be recognised and more so amongst others, and to view them (bloggers). You deserve multiple awards beside this… Thank you & God bless you real good 🙋


      1. You will not believe how much of engagements came with the year. I’ll require pages to tell it. But be assured I’m not entirely gone, at least not without a post saying so.
        Can we possibly use these comment boxes for exchange of more pleasantries? Hmm, nah , guess not.
        But now you why, the short absence, Mfon. *cheerful face*


      2. But 1 question just so I’m certain: did u receive ALL my ‘electronic responses’ in their complete numbers just recently?


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