Happy New Year amazing people!!! Thank God we all made it to see the first post for the year! 😀

I saw this funny picture as someone’s display picture. Albeit, a little  rudely said, there’s a bit of truth to draw out of it.

new year
Photo Credit: @WestAfrikanman

We’ve all heard the ‘new year, new me’ line. Some of us have even used it. But here is the truth; the New Year doesn’t in any way transform you into a new person. It’s not a cocoon where we change from caterpillars to butterflies.  The earlier we realize this truth, the better it is for us.

We often set for ourselves unattainable goals, probably because we get so pumped up after the Crossover Service on the 31st night. But there’s only so far we can go with the New Year charade. Before long, we go back to the same old us.  I would know, because I’ve been there countless times. I know how disappointing it is to set really high goals just before the year starts and find yourself derailing from the plan before January ends. For someone like me who loves making plans, plans and more plans, I get super frustrated when they fall apart!

So do we linger and sip our drinks as the year starts with no goals whatsoever? Do we watch from the sidelines with folded hands just because we never follow through on our New Year resolutions? Do we stop making plans for the year? No!

 Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: ‘He started something he couldn’t finish.’ -Luke 14:28 (MSG)


Don’t be afraid to make plans. By all means, make SMART goals for the year; goals that are both specific and achievable. But you must realize that your plans can only come alive when you commit them to God’s hands. 

Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. 

Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place. 

We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it. -Proverbs 16: 1, 3, 9 (MSG)


The New Year doesn’t change you, God does. The New Year doesn’t have the power on it’s own to make you get rid of the addictions, lose the extra weight, get out of that bad relationship, or change your current sad situation… but God does! The New Year is not an automatic fresh start, but every moment of repentance towards God, is a fresh start for us. It’s only a ‘New You’ when you turn back to God.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor 5:17 (KJV)

Friends, let’s get it right this year. No more avoidable mistakes! Remember life isn’t just about you or your plans for yourself. Life is about God and His bigger picture. Allow Him to work in you and through you this year.

I pray that you walk in God’s divinely orchestrated plan for your life this year.

Have a fantabulous year ahead! 😀

Lots of love,

©Mfon Etuk, 2016.

17 thoughts on “New Year, New Me; The Cliché

  1. 🙂
    Well done sis.
    We won’t magically change in the new year. Setting smart, realistic goals and having accountability partners will help bring about the change we require.
    Happy new year darling. May the new year find you achieving more.


  2. M.D,…my thought….. “The new year, new resolution” has become a religious talk we always make but never prosecute. Good as they are, many tend to lose the gas to see it through few weeks into the year, a few others struggle into few months(both ending up making the same resolution year in year out), while a scanty remnant are able to make it permanent. To the last group, a new year “resolution” becomes “modification” as they seem to improve upon what has become a part of them. So agreeing with you when you said :”Life is about God and His bigger picture. Allow Him to work in you and through you this year.” if we align to His will, allowing Him to point out our inadequacies, He in addition gives the strength to follow through. Happy New Year, Happy New “Resolutions/Modifications”


  3. Nice piece dear. ‘Life is about God and His bigger picture’ is the sentence i would love to remember all through this year. Thanks for this piece. Happy new year to you too.


  4. its a great pleasure to have been given an opportunity to even see the new year but we should also realise that when we make plans we’re saying ” this is what I want to achieve this year” and et busy trying to achieve them but like you said Mfon, we won’t go far without the big boss up there

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That awkward moment when you can’t say you’re cutting off people in the new year because you barely have any friends. That’s me! So I’m doing the reverse, I’m actually going to try to let people in and to have more friends this year…


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