Why do we Fight with God?

Why do we fight with God? 

Now that’s a question I find hard to comprehend 

Mortals constantly striving with immortality 

Pointing our stubby little fingers at the Almighty 

Blaming Him for the woes 

As though He owes us 

Why do we fight with God? 

Refusing to go to His presence 

Because He didn’t give us what we wanted 

Oh if you could see 

That He had something better for you 

You would run to Him with thanks 

Why do we fight with God? 

Little creatures pissed at their creator 

Does that even make any sense? 

It is He who created you, 

Not you yourself 

He gives life and takes as He please 

Why do we fight with God? 

How dare we call Him to court 

To question Him for what He has done? 

Have you forgotten the earth is His? 

And everything in it 

He does as He pleases! 

Mortals die but He doesn’t 

Humans get estranged 

But His love for you remains unchanged  

He keeps saying ‘Come…’ 

When you turn your back and run

He still waits for you with arms open wide 

God is ever merciful 

He is love personified 

He loves little dusty us 

So what charges do you have to raise 

Against the one who deserves your praise? 

Why do you fight with God? 

© Mfon Etuk, 2016


It’s Okay to Feel Helpless…

Photo Credit: livestrong.com

Urrrgh! No one ever wants to be weak and helpless. Between the options of being as strong as superman or being a wimpy kid, I’m guessing we would pick superman; saving the day! Okay, maybe not superman but you get the point; no one wants to be helpless.

Let me remind you what being helpless feels like… Watching your house get burnt and not being able to pick out anything, save your skin; being blank in the examination hall while others seem to be asking for extra sheets; not being able to pay your fees because your parents are trying all they can to cater for you and your siblings; stuck in an addiction you’ve tried and tried to get out from-self-help aint so helpful after all. Being heartbroken from that relationship you thought would last forever or being robbed in your car while stuck in traffic and others keep passing as though you’re suddenly invisible! There are so many situations that leave us feeling weak and helpless and I know we have some experiences to share as well!

At the moment of helplessness, we cringe, we feel low, lost, needy and weak. Now this isn’t some psychology course, so relax.

But it’s totally okay to be helpless sometimes.

I once heard a story about a man who was drowning and he kept struggling to fight against the waves that were pulling him under. The lifeguard wasn’t far away but he didn’t step in to help the man until the man stopped fighting and gave up. The lifeguard swooped in like a superhero and pulled the man out of the overwhelming waters. When asked later on why he didn’t go in while the man was still beating against the waves, he said the man would have drowned them both. He had to wait till the man totally surrendered.

Well, God knows you’re struggling. He can see you even in the dark corner where you think no one can see through. He even sees through the charades that you put up, appearing to be superman when you’re just a nerdy Clark. But he wouldn’t step in and help if you’re still forming ‘I can do it on my own’. You have to come to that helpless state where you say ‘you know what Lord, I can’t do this. I really can’t help myself. Please help me!’ It will amaze you how the Heavenly Superhero will swoop in and pull you out by His strong right hand.

I don’t know what you’re dealing with right now, but I need you to know it’s okay to feel helpless. For when we are weak, He is strong. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember the batman signal? Well, you can also contact heavenly help lines (through prayers) or use the distressed signal (by calling His name) so He can step in and help you.

I pray you find help when you’re helpless.

Have a super duper week ahead!

©Mfon Etuk, 2016


When living like you is want I want to do 

I find myself being called an imposter 

‘Cause I only love when I feel like 

Talk about God when it’s convenient 


I’m so scared of being called a ‘Jesus Freak’ 

When I would rather be the coolest one on fleek 


Loving you? 

Pssst! That’s easy! 

Loving them? 

Do I really have to? 


See I know you died for my sins 

But every day I feel like I’m nailing you to the cross 

By the lies and pretence I play like candy crush 


Help me Lord! 

Now that’s my heart cry 

I realize I’m no superhuman 

Even though I have the supernatural genes 

In my blood 

Flowing from the blood which spilled on the cross 


Now how do I, 

A child of the king 

Live on earth with no authority? 

How do I rule and reign with Christ 

When my eyes still lust after the kingdom of the world? 


I want to live like you 

Now that’s more than just a prayer 

Cause I know living like you 

Means loving others the way you do 

Staying at peace with all men like you 

Withdrawing from the crowd and fame 

To go to the Father, hallowing His name 


I realize I can’t live like you on my own 

They can see through my facade 

So please help me 


A mere mortal 

Made immortal 

By the touch of immortality 

Keeping me above immorality 


Help me not to get entangled in the web 

That I forget to ‘X’ the page 

And turn to you for a clear reboot 

Unclutter my soul and ‘shift + Del’ my messes 


I want to be like you in every single way 

And if I have to die everyday 

Help me pay the prize 

Cause being just like you is all I want to be

©Mfon Etuk, 2016


We cannot talk about victorious living without talking about vices. vice

The dictionary defines it as an immoral or evil habit or practice. It is also defined as a fault, defect, or shortcoming. Other synonyms include failing, weakness, flaws, sin or imperfection.

When we view vices in the general term of the word, we still realize that young people play the major role in what is termed as vices in a society.

However, they didn’t begin to do that overnight. It all started from an inner struggle with their evil habits and weaknesses.

What are your vices?

I need you to take some time to think about that question.  Truth is, the first step in overcoming and gaining victory is in knowing what the enemy is. Possibly, you’re the only one who knows about it. But then again, you can fool everyone but not yourself and definitely not God.

From my experience with vices, I know it ties the victim with cords of shame; the feeling of not being good enough or perfect enough or even ‘godly’ enough comes along with it. It’s a sad, depressing feeling. While society might go all out to punish young people for performing such vices, I’ve come to know it’s not always as willful as we think it is.

It’s a constant battle between good and bad, right and wrong. We want to be moral but we find ourselves doing what is tagged ‘immoral’. We want to do good but we find ourselves doing bad. We want to be free but day after day we fall into bondage. This is a struggle Paul faced as well;

I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. My decisions, such as they are, don’t result in actions. Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time.

It happens so regularly that it’s predictable. The moment I decide to do good, sin is there to trip me up. I truly delight in God’s commands, but it’s pretty obvious that not all of me joins in that delight. Parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect it, they take charge.

I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? -Rom 7:19-24 (MSG)

This struggle from within has resulted in suicides for some people and for others, prison sentences. Of course, that’s when the vice leaves the secret corner of our personal space to the public space. For some of us, it is still an internal battle which we somehow feel is ‘controlled’ enough. But if vices could become so destructive, we need to nib it in the bud!

Am I a pro in overcoming vices? Nah. I’m still overcoming mine. But I know someone who is a pro in thrashing everything that isn’t good in us- God! The triune God makes this possible for us by; 1. Jesus died and His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. 2. The Holy Spirit lives in us, searches our hearts for these evil habits and helps us deal with them.

Paul also admits:

The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.- Rom 7:25 (MSG)

Don’t struggle with the vices alone. I know you may not be comfortable telling anyone about it. I know how people could change in a second when they hear the vices we deal with! But it’s okay. They are humans, they have the right to freak out and probably stay away from us as the plague. But God- He wouldn’t flinch for a second when you tell him about the vices you struggle with. He will gladly help you get free from them.

Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you really will be free. –John 8:36

It’s pretty dangerous to get stuck in your head. A lot of people have been destroyed by their vices. If you’re reading this right now and you’re honest enough to admit you also have some vices of your own, then it’s time for you to get free. It’s time to tell God about it and stop struggling on your own. Stop trying to hide it from Him.

I pray for you right now, that you overcome the vices in your life and you begin to walk in the victory Christ won on the Cross for you. You are free from today, in Jesus precious name. Amen!

It’s always my desire that you live victorious lives!

Lots of love,

©Mfon Etuk, 2016

Beauty From Pain

beauty from painAnguished. Numb. They say physical pain hurts, but I stand to say it doesn’t hurt as much as emotional pain. Heart throbbing and throat thickening pain. The pain that overwhelms you and leaves you shuddering beneath the sheets, watching as the tears fall like a waterfall. The pain that makes you wish you could just end it all. ‘Besides, the world will be just fine without you,’ the Devil whispers in your ears.

As a Christian, I know that I didn’t give myself life and I have no right to take it. But there are days such as this when I get so entangled in my mind’s web and I can’t find my way out. The jabbing pain numbs my very being. Feels like I’m losing it!

I know you may be wondering, ‘how did she get here?’ ‘How did the sweet peach girl turn all sour?’ :(: Oh my dear! I’m not sure. I enjoyed being by myself and slowly, the depression crept in, which I pampered as a baby till it became a full blown monster living in me. It didn’t take much to trigger it. I remember how I found it crazy whenever my mom would rebuke the spirit of depression in me. To me, it was just a normal ‘quiet’ mood that I nurtured with gloomy songs and poems. Like the sun, my smile sets and the gloom takes over. Clearly, it isn’t a harmless pet to keep, it’s a monster that is out to kill! Scary right? I should know!

Now I understand that the spirit of depression is a spirit of bondage. It steals your joy and peace and keeps you in a state of nothingness. A state where you’re but a walking dead going through life with no enthusiasm. Worse is when no one understands what’s going on. So you smile and wave like the Penguins of Madagascar so no one knows the monster you’re trying to hide.

So how can a broken person be writing to inspire others? Believe me, I wonder the same thing! The truth is, God’s ways are not our ways. He uses the weak things of the world to confound the strong (1 Cor 1:27).

God turned the very thing that could kill me into something that births life #MyTestimony

Out of my messed up mind he brought out messages! Out of the pain, came beauty. The poems I write in such low moments have been used in far reaching ways than I can imagine to bless lives, mine inclusive! Poems like Unspoken, Night before Light, Losing, Dark Nights, Dread, Can you hear me and Jekyll and Hyde were borne from pain. So the next time you read these poems, please read with understanding.

I am still learning to ‘rejoice always’ even when things get dark, I hold on to God’s word for illumination.

I’m a vessel in the potter’s hand, constantly molded into shape.

The process may seem really long, but beauty is sure. I still have relapses of depression. But I’m comforted because I know Jesus has won the victory!

So why am I telling you this? So you could shake your head in pity? Nah. We all face pain. Yours may not be a struggle with depression, it could be addictions, bitterness, insecurities, heartbreaks, sin or anything that leaves you broken. But if you think you’re completely whole, good for you! This, however is for the broken people like me who deal with pain. Too scared to admit we need help. But He knows we do. Surrender to Him in all honesty. Give him the fragments of your broken life and watch Him create a masterpiece!

There will be beauty from this pain! 

Thanks for staying to the end of this pretty long piece. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section. God bless you! 🙂

©Mfon Etuk, 2016

***Song for the day- Beauty From Pain by Superchick***