Unveiling the Think-Thank Challenge 2016


Two years ago, we had our first think-thank challenge. This evolved over the course of the years and last year, it took the shape of thanking God using all the letters of the English Alphabet for 26 days in December. It was a huge success, (although only carried out on our social media) and a winner emerged in a very close tie. 😀

For this year, I’ll actively be posting my thanksgiving list each day of the challenge and all interested participants can comment with their list as well.

The idea behind the #TTC2016 is to think about all that happened year-round and thank God per the letters of the alphabets. E.g. for letter A, I’m thankful for AIR.

It’s a fun and exciting way to thank God for all He has done. Yes, you may not have gotten everything you wished for. It may seem as a terrible year so far. But sitting down to think of the good things including the beautiful sunshine every day will make you realize it wasn’t such a bad year after all. There’s so much to be thankful for!

The Think-Thank Challenge 2016 kicks off from the 1st-26th of December!!!! I’m so excited about this year and I hope to have all of you join in!

How to follow the Challenge:

  1. You can comment with your thanksgiving list on each blog post for the duration of the challenge
  2. You can tweet @writersbrain with the things you are thankful for each day of the challenge
  3. You can post your thanksgiving list on the Facebook page Dainty M each day of the challenge
  4. If you’re an interested blogger, you can carry out the challenge on your blog and drop your link in the comment box for us to follow


Rules of the Challenge

  1. Post at least five (5) items you’re thankful for, for each letter of the alphabet.
  2. For social media posts, please use the hashtag #TTC2016
  3. You don’t have to post on all channels. Use either twitter or Facebook or just comment on the blog
  4. Consistency pays! he who endures to the end shall obtain a prize! 😉

Quick Tip:

You can compile a complete A-Z thanksgiving list and just copy and paste in the comment section each day of the challenge as it applies.

*Please feel free to ask any questions! *

I officially nominate you for the Think-Thank Challenge 2016! 😀

© Mfon Etuk, 2016

Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last. – Lawrence Welk