Ten Minutes Challenge

Pause. I’m moving too fast. I’m trying to beat the clock and still have a perfect piece… impossible right? Yeah, I know. I don’t know what to write about… this isn’t the first time my mind is going blkank on me. Haha, I just saw that error and it’s talking all of me to stop muself from going to correct it. Dang! Another error. I hate them! I wish I could correct every error in my life. Every mistake I’ve made. Coulcnt there be a big eraser somewhere? These errors are driving me nuts. I hear I’ve got OCDs but is this one of them? Trying to make sure everything is perfect. Including the people I meet. I mean, don’t laugh so loud. Be courteous. Why are you always talking? Can’t you just be… perfect?

Am I perfect? Probably…not. It’s no surprise I push myself to insatiable points. Beaying myself up about every mistake. These things drive me crazy. Perfection. No one really attains that in a world that seeks to constantly remind us of our imperefections.

I’m grinding my teeth oover every red line on the screen which indicates a word spelt wrongly. I could take my time- but I’ve got only ten minutes. This is ridiculous! I should probably quite this. I quit trying to spell ‘quit’ correctly. I’ve quit a lot of things. Things I just wasn’t perfect in. like really, why do it when you wouldn’t do it perfectly?

Haha, reminds me of school. I’d cry my eyes put (out0 for…aarrrgh! I missed the sepelling of ‘out’ and a freaking bracket sign. Just three minutes left ion the clock, I bet I haven’t made any senese. Haha, welcome to my mind.

It’s an incredible web of loose thoughts flung around, some tied in knots and others- just wild and free. I hate that this piece isn’t perfect. I hate that life isn’t perfect. I hate that you’re not perfect. I hate that I’m not perfect.

But there’s beauty in it all. There’s beauty in an incomplete and somewhat uncoordinated piece. There’s beauty in that smile that seems feign and in that laugh that drives me insane. Theres beauty in imperfections. I’m driving myself to the point where I’m fine with my imperfections and not so crazy. It’s time. Don’t I have a few seconds left? Maybe one..two.. dang!

Time: 10 minutes. Word count: 392

This post was written in response to a blog I read where writers are challenged to come up with a post of about 500 words in 10 minutes.

PS: It took everything within me to publish this with all its mistakes. I’m sorry it’s messy and imperfect! 😦 But that’s the ‘fun’ part of this challenge 🙂


  1. You are to time yourself in 10 minutes
  2. place a stopwatch by your side as you type
  3. backspace or delete button is a no no
  4. You must not edit what you type

Anybody want to try? 😀