Mirror mirror on the wall 
Who is the fairest of them all
None shall before me stand tall 
All proud and self loving will fall
Mirror mirror on the wall
Surely I am the fairest of them all 
Strong, handsome and tall
With me none can brawl
Oh foolish mortal how vain
You are of all most mundane
Ashamed you should certainly be
Of what behind the curtain you see
Peel back I say the veneer 
At you even the dead sneer
Mirror mirror on the wall 
Who then is the fairest of them all
Verily I say none at all
For same Icarus suffered a great fall
Musings of a not so perfect poet

14 thoughts on “Night Files- Mirror Mirror

      1. Especially the proud who will fall. We are told that in scripture as I’m sure you know. Just one example…May the Lord love and keep you and yours, M!


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks, M! It was a beautiful vacation, the southern part of Oregon on the coast is so beautiful! 🙂


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