Photo credit: greatamericancountry.com

Will you let me take the lead? 

While your weary head gently rests on my shoulders 

And your hands are warmly wrapped in mine 

Will you dance with me? 

To the tunes I’ve selected 

And the beats that I composed 


Will you allow yourself fall into me 

Trusting that I would catch you 

I would never let you fall 

For you are mine 

And I’m yours… 

Forever to hold, and yours to keep 


Will you allow me into your heart 

Which is heavily guarded by the lies 

The same lies that tore down your walls 

When they broke into you… 

Will you allow me fix it with my oh so perfect stiches? 

Gently soothing the pain… 


Will you walk down the aisle I’ve prepared 

While for you I remained faithful 

Honoring every promise I made unto you 

Mincing no words to show how much I loved you 

Sealing it with my blood splattered on wood 


Will you, today, let me in? 

Your doors I’ve knocked 

Your heart I’ve sought 

And now I ask… 

Will you be mine?

©Mfon Etuk, 2017

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. Rev3:20

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