Letter K


Thank God we’ve reached the 11th day of the TTC 2016! If you’re still staying strong, I commend you! I pray you stay strong till the end ๐Ÿ™‚

What are you thankful for that starts with K?ย 

Remember you could:

  1. Post your list of five items in the comment section
  2. Or tweet at @writersbrain with the five things you’re thankful for
  3. Or post on the Facebook page Dainty Mย  the things you’re thankful for
  4. Or reblog on your blog and make your own list for other followers to join in

Here’s mine…

My Thanksgiving List for letter Kย 

  1. I’m thankful for the KINDNESS shown to me all year-round
  2. I’m thankful that the terrorist KILLINGS were reduced this year
  3. I’m thankful for the KIDNAPPED girls who were released in Northern Nigeria.
  4. I’m thankful for all the KINGDOM advancement efforts made this year by my church and other churches worldwide
  5. I’m thankful for KENTUCKY Fried Chicken (KFC) Food just has to be on the list. LOL

Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road. – John Henry Jowett

11 days down, 15 to go!

Keep holding on!




13 thoughts on “Day 11

  1. Hmmmmm, good morning dainty, happy sunday… now what am I thankful for?…. am thankful for :

    1. Kitchen, miracles happen in there.
    2. Knives, wonderful machines that help in cooking.
    3. God’s Kingdom.
    4. Kenshin, the cartoon (manga).
    5. Ketch up…. thank you Lord.


  2. Thankful for Kindness that I have received and I have been privileged to show to others as well.
    Thankful for Knowledge I have gathered this year from every possible source.
    Thankful for Kisses from the Nigerian sun that tried to steal my glow up. Hehe.


  3. I’m thankful for God’s KINDNESS to all creation.\
    I’m thankful for KEKE NAPEP that normally carry me to school in nigeria.
    I’m thankful for the Known and the unknown because either way it is and going to be great.
    I’m thankful for Keresimesi that is fast approaching, i won’t forget to send your rice and chicken.
    I’m thankful for the Kittens that are not as sly as their parents yet.


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