Photo Credit: cafepress.com

So lately I’ve been trying to hear God’s plans for me. My plans seem to be falling apart day after day and I’m learning to trust the master planner who’s got me figured out. I know God has outstanding plans for me which are of good and not of evil (Jer 29:11). But my over analytical mind wants to know what these plans are and how I can draft my own plans to match up.

Thankfully some devotionals have  been pointing at pulling away and spending time alone with God. Of course, this is one of the things that ought to be done in order to hear from God. But then the real struggle for me comes when I’m alone and ‘pulled away’ from the crowd. The voices in my head are so loud these days. Maybe they have always been loud and I just didn’t notice them.

So here I am trying to connect with God but my thoughts keep blocking the airwaves. At every point, it seems at least 5 thoughts are fighting for prominence. Funny how they could be flimsy thoughts ranging from what accessories go with a gray shirt to what hairstyle should be done next month. And of course the usual reminder to call some family members or stick to a dieting plan. I have so many loose ended thoughts that I get lost in the tangled web a lot.

How do I hear God’s gentle and soft voice amidst the chaos in my mind? How do I get the wisdom I need to lead a life pleasing to Him when the voices in my head are so loud? 

 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. -2 Cor 10:4-6 

Bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ! Wow! That verse  says it all, I would want more than anything to bring my thoughts captive. To decide what to think and when to do so. I copied the surrounding verses so we see that our weapons for this warfare are not carnal. You may try all you can to bring your thoughts to subjection and clear your mind when one little thought will free its way asking you if you left the light switch on or off. From there you begin to calculate the electric bill for the month!

Photo Credit: findingpositive.com


  1. Our weapons are mighty in God *pause*. They are not mighty by you but in the God who can use a stone to bring down a giant (1 Sam 17:49)
  2. And every thought should be brought captive to the obedience of Christ. Whenever your thoughts or the voices in your head seem to be coming between you and God, remember to bring them immediately to obedience of Christ.

I pray this helps you in your quiet time and in your quest to build a relationship with God. Remember communication is an important foundation for every relationship. And hey, God wants to talk to you. He has been talking. Just turn off the voices in your head and listen!

Have a blessed week!



37 thoughts on “Turn Off the Voices

  1. As always awesome, inspirational, and spoke to my heart!
    Thank you for always sharing what God placed on your heart – know one of the enemies tactics is distracting us from hearing God’s voice & seeking time with Him.
    God bless you always, Mfon : )


  2. Really Inspiring post Dainty, Often times God communes with our heart, our inner intuition but then it’s too noisy in there to seive what’s in our mind and what God is saying. A complete devotion to that quiet moment, shutting out that noise will definitely help. Thanks for sharing…*hugs


  3. Yes! My worst enemy is myself sometimes. Constantly fighting the voices and negative thoughts it has truly become a daily thing. Thank you for this blog this is wonderful and truly blessed me to know I’m not the only one and God has a plan bigger than I…


  4. Yeah sometimes when I am trying to listen is when several things just come to mind, and when I realize…I am like wasn’t I just praying. May God help us to be fully attentive to His voice and trust His plans


  5. You are such a gifted writer, and God has clearly blessed you with so much wisdom. This is a fantastic reminder to tune out distractions and seek Him first. Thank you for sharing this! ❤


  6. God has already spoken to us all. Through His Son concerning the gospel, and through His word concerning His will for us all. Be still and pray. Be patient and your path will become clear. Consider the gifts He has given you to help spread His word and find your passion. Keep your hope and trust!

    Steve 🙂


      1. And may He bless you as well, M. Keep on posting, studying the word, and praying. These help us grow. Enjoy your day…


        Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s been a struggle.But it will be nice to know how these voices and thoughts could be brought to subjection.

    Because it gets really frustrating and annoying sometimes that it leads to total neglect of the word of God and even prayer.


  8. Thank you for this post! I too have a rapid mind. As soon as I wake up in the morning there’s some random song in my head! Songs I haven’t listened to in months! Ugh! BUT GOD! Lol Thank you for your transparency, it really blessed me!


    1. Oh thank God! Your words are so heart warming! Haha, I also have that random song in my mind moments. Where do our minds recycle such old songs from? Lol. Thanks for sharing Tanica!


  9. I really enjoyed this read. In a world as chaotic a fast paced we live in I definitely need to remind myslef to stop and listen. Thanks for the good literature! 🙂


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