Happy weekend guys!

How’s the first weekend in November looking? Remember to take some time to just rest.

liebster-2I got nominated for the Liebster award a while back by my blogger-friends Courtney from 1 Timothy 4:12 Girl and Emily from Fearfully Wonderfully Me. These girls have helped my blog in so many ways. They are devout Christians who are unashamed to preach the word. And hey, Emily is amazing with fashion and Courtney is also a great fiction writer. Please check their blogs out. You’d never regret it! 😀 Thank you guys for this award. It’s absolutely humbling! I’m grateful to God for this privilege!

The rules:

  1. Answer the 11 questions you are provided with by the person who nominated you.
  2. Nominate 11 new bloggers who have less than 500 followers.
  3. Post the Liebster award to your blog.

The questions are

1. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you?

Uhmm, I had to think long and hard about this one. What comes to mind is having a running tummy on my graduation day. I mean, I had to be leaving the hall almost every 30 mins. I couldn’t even savour the creamy cake I got! My make-up was running and I felt my face crumbling. Of all days to be in that situation! Imagine having that on one’s wedding day…hahaha! Believe me, it wasn’t funny then. But in retrospect, that was a funny experience. 

2. What is your dream job?

Any job that involves writing while traveling the world and making positive impacts. 😀

3. What is your favorite song and why?

Currently, it’s No Filter by Britt Nicole. It speaks into the current trend where computers have taken over genuine relationships.

4. Do you have any pets and if so what are they like?


5. Are you a night owl or early bird? How early do you wake up or how late do you stay up?

I’m not sure anymore. There are times when I get work done past midnight and there are days when my creative juices come in torrents early in the morning. I sleep before 10 pm and wake up before 5 am because of my job and the city I live in. On vacation, I could stay up as late as 3 am and wake up as late as 11 am (Those are my favourites) 😛

6. When you were little did you have imaginary friends? What were they like?

I don’t remember much. But I’m pretty sure I had them.

7. What is your favourite food? And your favourite dessert?

Bread and tea is my all-time favourite food (I even believe there’s bread in Heaven… LOL). For desserts, ice cream does it for me.

8. What are your beliefs?

I believe in God the Father, Jesus the son and the sweet Holy Spirit. I believe in a Heaven and Hell. I believe in love. I believe in the power of laughter. I believe in the unbreakable bond between friends. And I believe in everything beautiful!

9. What are the things you stand for?

I stand for God, for Peace, and for Conservatism.

10. What is the most important character trait in someone?


11. Who is your role model in life?

Naturally, my parents are my role models. I’ve learned a whole lot from them. Recently, I also see my future self in Priscilla Shirer and I’d like to learn more about her.  

My perfect role model however, is Jesus. The very fact that He lived and walked this earth and was still considered perfect and blameless ‘wows’ me! 🙂

Yay! We’re done with the answers.

The new nominees are

Diana M




Jessica Hugo





Lovely Faith Blog

Abena Kwame

My questions:

  1. What do you love most about blogging?
  2. If you had only a day left to live, what would you do?
  3. What is your ideal job?
  4. Do you play any musical instrument? If yes, which?
  5. What’s the one thing you can’t do without??
  6. What’s your favourite holiday?
  7. Do you believe in God? If yes, why?
  8. What are you passionate about?
  9. Are you a TV person?
  10. If you could rename yourself, what name would you give?
  11. What would you like to get for Christmas?

I hope you guys have fun doing this! 😀

Thanks for reading! Please remember to check in for the Sunday post that will keep you inspired throughout the week ahead!

Much love,


13 thoughts on “Another Liebster Award

  1. Lol imagine my surprise seeing my name. Lol
    Thanks babe.

    Loved your answers!
    That was some experience you had on graduation day. Good thing you can look back and laugh about it.


  2. Congratulations and thanks for the nomination..It is interesting too because I nominated you sometime ago for this but I love your questions so I will get to this soon.
    Thank you!!😊


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